Sunday, 29 May 2011

signing out for a while

Hi guys!
We are now ready to leave for Greece, our flight leaves in the middle of the night, and as I don't think internet will be easy to come by where we are going, this might be the last post for a few short days! please check in regularly, I might be lucky enough to find internet somewhere :)


Mothers day

Hei Everyone!

Today is a special day here in Sweden, it is Mothers Day! My second one actually and so far it's been a good one too :) Kenny woke up with Nicholas at 9.30 and I got to sleep another hour before they came in and woke me with a pretty mothers day-card. I also got some money to go buy myself some clothes for our vacation, which is exactly what I wished for! No flowers this year as we are leaving tomorrow and it would be such a shame for the flowers to wilt away and die while we are gone!

After getting up we had a nice breakfast of healthy pancakes and home-made strawberry jam. (which was more like a strawberry sauce since I'm not to fond of the actual strawberry lumps, and just blended the whole thing smooth!) I make the jam without any sugar, and sweeten it with some no-sugar added apple-juice instead. It tastes really good, and is much healthier than the store-bought jam both for us and Nicholas.

Last night Nicholas woke up at 5 am because he was hungry (he didn't want anything to eat before he went to bed, he was so tired) I had a bottle ready that he was supposed to have drunk before bedtime, so I took that upstairs and sat with him snuggled all nice and warm in my lap, and actually thought to myself - even as tired as I was, that I kind of missed the time back when he was little and would wake up a few times a night and I would breast-feed him and we would snuggle a bit while I burped him and before he went back to sleep.

[caption id="attachment_60" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Nicholas about 3 weeks old. Late at night when I was so tired I'm almost sleeping, but I was enjoying his warm little body against mine so much that I didn't want to put him down!"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_59" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Day time snuggle with Nicholas 11 days old"][/caption]

Nicholas is growing up so fast, and he rarely wants to sit in my lap for more than a second or two now. The only snuggle-time I get is right before I put him to bed when he sits with me whilst I read and sing to him. So it actually felt good when I gave him that bottle last night. Just one of those little things you know...

Not saying that I would want him to wake up every night, but last night was nice.

My Baby Boy and Me


It's three AM, they're all asleep, 


and no-one's here to see.
As we rock slowly back and forth,
My baby boy and me.

His little hand is feather light
Tucked up against my chin.
I hold his tiny hand in mine,
and stroke his baby skin.

The house about us creaks and groans,
The clock hands creep around.
He snuggles closer to me still,
And makes his baby sounds.

I love these quiet hours so much,
And cherish every one.
Store memories up inside my heart
For lonely nights to come.

All too soon he'll be grown up,
His need for mama gone.
But until then I still have time
For kisses and for song.

Time for quiet hours like this
With him cuddled in my arms,
Where I wish he'd always stay
Protected, safe and warm.

And yet I know the day will come
When his tiny little hand,
will be bigger than my own.
He'll grow to be a man.

But until then he's mine to love
With no one here to see.
As we rock slowly back and forth,
My baby boy and me. 

(Author Unknown)

No I have some tidying up and packing to do! And when Nicholas wakes up from his nap we have to walk Charlie, and go shopping! Hope all of you Swedish moms are enjoying mothers-day as much as me!

Blog to you later!




Saturday, 28 May 2011

Life is not always a walk in the park

Hei everyone!

We were not as " weatherly-challenged" today as we have been the last few days, which basically means that it hasn't rained! So Nicholas, Kenny, Charlie and I went to the park to burn some of Nicholas' excessive energy!



It worked wonders let me tell you, cause now he is upstairs sleeping like an angel<3

Ahhh the joys of motherhood, who would really think getting the little angel to bed is one of the nicest rewards of your day? No, really, I'm serious! It is great to spend time with the little ones, but it is also equally great when they are finally put to sleep, safe and snug in their beds

[caption id="attachment_53" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Nicholas first night at home"][/caption]

and one can get some treasured one-on-one time, or even some even more treasured ALONE time! This mythical alone time is actually something that I don't see to much of since I live so far away from my family, and to make matters worse Kenny's family as well

! So here we are, living in Sweden all alone (well we are sharing Sweden with about 9.3 million other people as well, but they don't count!) far away from both our families, and thus far away from all potential baby-sitters! This makes it just about impossible for Kenny and myself to go out without bringing Nicholas, and as much as I love him, and I do love him more than anything in the world, it would be nice to once in a blue moon get the chance to just be a couple on a regular date, that doesn't have to take place before 9 o'clock (Nicho's latest possible bedtime) and that doesn't involve going someplace loud where they either;

A. Have high-chairs

B. Have place for stroller

C. Have play area for kids (McDonald's springs to mind, but Ken doesn't eat that kind of food so that's a no-go. Not to mention that McDonald's could only be a 13 year olds choice for a romantic date!)

In other words, one on one time in any way shape or form is not a very common occurrence in this household. Don't get me wrong, it has happened, we have been out a total of 5(!) times alone since Nicholas was born,

[caption id="attachment_55" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="Pictures from one of the few times we have been out."][/caption]

none of these times have lasted more than 3 hours, or have happened before I have put him to bed myself. So you be the judge of how much they count!

Well, this is the life of a football players wife, and it's the life we have chosen to live, and I'm not complaining! I love our life and I wouldn't change it for anything, but that doesn't mean I'm not looking forwards to my mom visiting in July for 2 weeks, and being a willing and able babysitter!!! We are definitely going to take advantage of that!A

As for alone time for me, I'm working on it:) Ken doesn't mind at all if I go out on my ow, and he watches Nicholas. But to do which happened to be at gröna lund!that I would have to have somewhere to go- and right now most of the girls I know here are either pregnant, or have kids, not to mention that they are all in the same situation as us. So social outings tend to happen very rarely, and are usually limited to things we can take the kids to! I will hereby work to remedy that- let the guys take the kids and us go out I say! As soon as my vacation is over I'm definitely going to arrange something!

Now on the other hand, I am going to sit back, relax and read "Don't Breathe A Word by Jennifer Mcmahon, so far a veeery good book!


Blog to you soon!


Friday, 27 May 2011

Strolling through life!

Hei everyone!

I have officially started the countdown to our short trip to Greece. We are staying in the little fishing village Nea Skioni, where I lived with my family from I was 5 until I was 6 years old.

[caption id="attachment_32" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The little village church outside Nea Skioni"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_33" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="nea skioni"][/caption]

It is now only two days left, and I have slowly begun thinking about what to remember NOT to forget when I am packing.
I've been traveling quite a bit alone with Nicholas, we've been twice to Norway and once to Gran Canaries. All in all that is 10 flights on our own, and with Kenny we have also been on one road trip to Norway , flown Toronto and done another road trip to Montreal!! So it is safe to say that we have gotten some packing experience! I find that there is so much more to think about now that I am traveling with a baby. One has to remember bottles and pacifiers, diapers and stroller, and a whole lot more. No more last-minute packing for me!

So here are a few of the items I have assembled so far

  • travel bed

  • sun screen

  • beach tent

  • swim ring

  • umbrella stroller

  • sun protection suit

The biggest list is of course the list of things I haven't packed  (because we need them up until the very last day) but still are important to remember. Well, well who cares, I bet we will remember most everything anyway! And whatever we forget we can probably get there!

Today the weather has been terrible here in Stockholm. It has been pouring down all day, and we have spent most of the day inside. Something that is becoming more and more difficult!Nicholas has so much energy that it is hard to keep him occupied and happy in the house. When we go out I can just plop him down in the sandbox and he can play for an hour with the sand, and then if, and that's  big IF, he gets bored I just take him to the swings for a while. And at the end of the day he is so tired and worn out after his time at the park that all he wants is to sit on my lap and read a book. Which by the way is one little thing that just warms a mama's heart!!

On days like today though, when all we do is play inside he is more difficult to please. He gets bored more easily, and cranky faster. Most of the day has been spent with us "play chasing" him around the house. He looks at us with the most mischievous grin, and we say "I'm coming to get you!" at which point he crawls away as fast as he can, squealing at the top of his lungs. Until he stops, turns around (to make sure we are still chasing him) and the whole thing is repeated. This is one of his favourite games, along with grabbing the remote and pushing all the buttons.

After spending most of the day inside we all got a bit antsy, so we drove to Barkarby (20 min away) and exchanged the umbrella stroller we had originally bought

[caption id="attachment_34" align="aligncenter" width="308" caption="Babytravel Bangkok"][/caption]

for another one.

[caption id="attachment_35" align="aligncenter" width="266" caption="babytravel bombay"][/caption]

The reason we changed it was basically that the second one collapses much smaller than the first one , and since we already have the Bugaboo Cameleon

Bugaboo Cameleonwhich when collapsed was the same, or maybe even smaller than the babytravel Bangkok we just decided we needed something even smaller to bring on vacation!

Now I'm heading off to bed, and I am actually going to try NOT to read anything tonight and sleep, just like normal people do at night!

Good night everyone!

Blog to you tomorrow!



Good Mornin', good mornin', It's great to stay up late....

Hei everyone!

So I  finally dragged myself out of bed at 11.45. Kenny has a day off today and woke up with Nicholas at 9.15 so I could have a lie in.  I ended up staying up waaaay to late last night. Sadly enough not a very uncommon thing for me to do - even if I know I will pay a heavy price the next day when Nicholas wakes me up around 8.30 and I have to get my all to tired self into play-mode.

[caption id="attachment_27" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Nicholas is ready to play from the moment he gets up"][/caption]

The thing is; I have an addiction that I can't, and wont kick. I read, and read, and read, and then read some more. I devour every book I get my hands on, whether it be romance, crime, books for kids or books for teens. I read them all and like reading most of them too!

I'm not a picky reader, for me every book has its plusses and its minuses. And somehow, however badly written the book is, or how thin and see-through the plot is, I manage to get so caught up in it that I can't put it down before I'm actually DONE reading the whole thing. This wouldn't be a problem if my only job was reading. If I could just get paid to sit around all day and read every book on the market - and not to write essays on them or in any way discuss what I just read, just be paid to read them, and enjoy them, and then move on to the next book on the list. If I was only paid to do that my life would be perfect...

But I am not! And thus there are tons of other things I should be doing with my days that somehow get pushed aside or conveniently forgotten about. These things include but are not limited to dusting, cleaning, tidying up, cooking(for me and Kenny) and eating. I seem to just put everything to the side to read my book.

The only one who doesn't suffer from my reading-addiction is Nicholas. I really do put away my books when he is awake, most of the time anyways, to play with him, sing, and read books for him. But God forbid he becomes a reading addict like me..

If I didn't read so much I would be so much more accomplished in other aspects of my life, but even knowing that I am not in any way willing to give it up... And now that I have my amazing Kobo e-reader

[caption id="attachment_26" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="My pretty Kobo!"][/caption]

I NEVER run out of stuff to read, and I am constantly buying new books, since they only are a click away!

Not to mention that I have a Kobo App on my I-phone and as it is synced with my e-reader I can read all my books on my phone as well!

[caption id="attachment_23" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="My kobo app is genious!!"][/caption]

Pure genius !! So this is the cause of all my late nights, I just can't put my books down, and then end up needing 10 cups of coffee the next day to keep me awake! Thank God my reading seems to peak and then calm down a bit, so I read less some months than others, although I'm never not reading something.. in April and Mai (so far) alone I've read 28 books..

[caption id="attachment_22" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Kobo app shows me how many books I have in my library, how many I've read, and even how long time I use on each!"][/caption]

How I know?? I write down the title and author of every book I read, I just started doing it this year, but I had to because I kept getting books I'd already read, and even had in the bookshelf at home. This way I remember what I've read, and don't end up with doubles of anything!

Well that is my addiction, and I will not kick it.

After all

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers."

 ~Charles W. Eliot

What are you reading at the moment? Got any good suggestions then feel free to drop me a comment and tell me about it!!

till later!
