Friday, 10 June 2011

A day at Skytteholm

Today it is sizzling hot here in Stockholm, and we felt the urge to get out of our apartment, and in to the sun. We brought all our former beach-gear and off we went to the paddling-pool and park closest to our house.

[caption id="attachment_247" align="aligncenter" width="428" caption="Skytteholms parken's paddling pool"][/caption]

It was packed with kids in several degrees of undress. Felt like the whole of Solna had made a mass exodus to the same pool, but it was all good. The park around it is huge, so there is plenty of lawn space and tree-shade for all of us! Other than that the park boast of not one, but two coffe shops, plenty of play areas and a brand new, Sweden's ONLY, parkour-court.

Nicholas LOVED it,

and so did all the other kids climbing in and over the obstacles. And best of all, because the ground underneath is rubbery and soft one doesn't have to worry about the children falling!

We set up camp and filled Nicholas pool with water, and he was splashing happily along

when his pool got invaded by little munchkins.

Of all the places in this park, a group of mommas decided to make camp literally ONE metre away from us.. Suffice to say that their little kids were all over Charlie like white on rice. Not cool... And they were all to small to be of any play interest for Nicholas who just seemed to find them bothersome. Most of the women I have seen or met at the Open Daycare we attend, and they are all sweet girls, so I chatted along, and kept Charlie close. Wouldn't want him to take a bite off one of their kids! Next time I guess we will just move a bit if someone gets that close, ends up being more hassle making sure their kids don't bother Charlie than laying down and enjoying the sun.


Stockholm is a great city to live in with kids, they are extremely kid friendly here,  and there is an abundance of green parks, outdoors paddling pools that are free to use, and outdoors pools. I love the fact that we have so many options for a day out in the sun. Since most people live in apartments in the city the parks are always swarming with people all summer long. They really do feel more like festival-camps than normal parks.

[caption id="attachment_254" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Rålambsparken this time last year"][/caption]

I have seen everything from tables and chairs and hammocks

Why not bring your own hammock to the park...

to big armchairs and party tents complete with generator, electric lights and a fridge!! They treat the parks the same way you would treat your backyard, and bring half their life outside in the summer to stay in the park all day long. You've gotta love that!!


Has the weather been good where you live? Is there any parks around you? And do people bring their furniture with them there are well? 

Blog to you soon!



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